Hand Painted Heritage Stencils
Lancaster Painters Australia provide a professional heritage stencilling service for all heritage properties. We are expert at repairing and reproducing heritage stencils. Our experience includes cutting stencils, colour matching and picking out the colours to paint or repaint stencils. Featured above: heritage stencils applied to the organ loft ceiling in the front entrance of the Sacred Heart Church. To see more, click here. Featured below: We hand painted a beautiful grape vine stencil chosen by the congregation above the gold pin-stripe of the walls in the Sacred Heart Church. To see more including other decorative finishes applied inside the Church, click here.
Stencilling produces an image or pattern by applying pigment to a surface over an intermediate object with designed gaps in it which create the pattern or image by only allowing the pigment to reach some parts of the surface. The stencil is both the resulting image or pattern and the intermediate object; the context in which stencil is used makes clear which meaning is intended. In practice, the (object) stencil is usually a thin sheet of material, such as paper, plastic, wood or metal, with letters or a design cut from it, used to produce the letters or design on an underlying surface by applying pigment through the cut-out holes in the material. The key advantage of a stencil is that it can be reused to repeatedly and rapidly produce the same letters or design. Featured below: Beautiful hand cut painted decorative stencils in historic Northampton Villa. See more.
Featured below: Gary Lancaster hand painted a beautiful Chinoiserie Oriental Brocade heritage stencil.
Below: Gary Lancaster reconstructed the original heritage stencil that had been painted over from paint scrapings.
In the photo featured above left, Lancaster Painters Australia reconstructed the original heritage stencil in the world renowned Museum of Economic Botany. To see more photos and information about this project, please click here. Above centre: miscellaneous heritage motif stencils hand painted by Gary Lancaster. Above right: Lancaster Painters Australia reconstructed the original heritage stencil in Minchin House. For more information and photos, please click here.
Featured above: Athelstone Hall heritage reconstruction work included hand painted heritage stencils, decorative finishes and mural. For more information and photos of the work, please click here.
Stencilling Projects
Hand Painted Broken Wall Effect with Stencils
Listed below are just some of the stencilling projects we have completed after many years of applying hand painted stencils to heritage homes and businesses. To see more of our hand painted heritage stencils, click here.