Professional Heritage Conservation Restoration

Heritage Conservation & Restoration

Covid-19 safe heritage painters Lancaster Painters Australia Pty Ltd are committed to the conservation, restoration, reconstruction, rendition and beautification of heritage buildings including houses and Churches. Our heritage listings include New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania. We are passionately committed to the training of craftspeople in specific decorative techniques, especially those pertaining to Australian heritage conservation, restoration, reconstruction and beautification.

What is Heritage Conservation?

Conservation-restoration, also referred to as conservation, is a profession devoted to the preservation of cultural heritage for the future. Conservation activities include examination, documentation, treatment and preventative care.

What is the Burra Charter?

The aim of Heritage Conservation is to ensure that the cultural significance of heritage places is retained for future generations to enjoy, but how do we achieve this? In 1979, Australia adopted a charter outlining the general principles and philosophy behind heritage conservation – The Burra Charter. This now forms the backbone of the management of historic places across Australia and indeed many other countries.

Lancaster Painters Australia conform to the Burra Charter. The Burra Charter identifies three levels of repair for heritage structures. These are:

  • Preservation – Maintaining a structure in its existing state and preventing further deterioration.

  • Restoration – Returning a structure to a known earlier state by the repair of existing fabric without the introduction of new materials.

  • Reconstruction – Returning a structure to a known earlier state by the introduction of new material into any remaining fabric.

Heritage Conservation Restoration

As master heritage painters, Lancaster Painters Australia are able to provide painting methods that are reproduced using the same paint methods and materials employed after which painting methods began to dominate the industry. Our work is based on exhaustive and continuous research into methods, materials, techniques and styles. Each job is individually hand-painted by skilled artisans without compromises in quality, historical accuracy or consistency. Working from original paint scrapings, using techniques such as spectroscopy, micro analysis or mechanical methods, and by understanding documentary evidence, Lancaster Painters Australia have successfully reproduced paint finishes, artwork and designs and accurately reproduced the style, character and look of the original heritage period look.

Australian Heritage Conservation Restoration Australia


We pride ourselves in the quality of our work, ensuring surfaces are thoroughly prepared before applying the coating systems. Cracks, from minor hair-line cracks up to major structural cracking are filled using the correct materials. For major cracks this may involve sand, lime and cement or even plastering. All surfaces are rubbed down and dusted off, and in some cases, may require washing down. Preparation is the most important aspect of a job, ensuring the quality of the final finish as well as adding years onto the paintwork before it will need painting again. Read more.

Featured below are some of the before, progressive and after photos of crack filling, plastering and heritage repaint and decorative finish work in the Sacred Heart Church at Semaphore SA.

Heritage Painting Preparation

Historic Painting Preparation

Heritage Conservation Scrapings

Heritage Conservation Restoration Post Painting and Emblem Reconstruction

Our services include stripping layers of paint in order to uncover the original decoration or design from the past. We then photograph, catalogue and match the existing colours prior to restoring or reconstructing the original work back to its former glory. This may be followed with interpretation and drafting of exposed design work and colour notation against any standard.

Heritage Conservation Scrapings

Stripping paint from the banner of the arch at the front of the Sacred Heart Church in Semaphore, Lancaster Painters Australia sensitively uncovered the original signage and professionally reconstructed it. Using professional sign writing techniques, we delicately applied 22 karat gold leaf to the lettering and topped it off with a red hand painted pin-stripe. The community appreciated having the original signage restored after being painted over for many years. See more.

Sacred Heart Church Banner Scrapings and Sign Writing Heritage Conservation Restoration Reconstruction

Traditional Heritage Conservation Restoration

Traditional Trades

The Traditional Trades

Traditional Heritage

Traditional Heritage Painting

Historic Preservation

Historic Preservation

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